Originally known as the Akita Inu, the American Akita is a powerful working breed that originated in Japan. Later, the breed changed in the US, where bigger, more imposing breeds were bred. The American Akita is noticeably larger than their Japanese Akita Inu relative as a result of this meticulous process. This breed is solid and honorable, with a wide head, erect ears, and a twisted tail. 

The American Akita could be a furious defender for their family, known for their dedication and defensive nature. Breed enthusiasts treasure these pups for their loving disposition despite their commanding presence. In order to fully realize the potential of the American Akita and ensure a loyal and well-mannered companion, proper training and socialization are essential.

Overview of American Akita

Having a large head in comparison to small, triangular eyes and a confident, rugged stance, the Akita is a bold dog with a powerful appearance. The majority of troublemakers are discouraged just by the sight of a formidable Akita. This breed is known for its steadfast devotion to its owners and its unexpectedly tender and loving nature toward family members. Envision a devoted guardian who follows you around the house and seems to have one goal in life: to help you.

The breed is brave by nature and instinctively protective of their family. They are obstinate and determined, never giving up on a challenge. They are chatty, mumbling and grunting in comical ways, but they seldom bark unless there’s a good reason. While some owners claim their Akita mutters under its breath and appears to be talking to itself, others claim the dog expresses opinions on everything from when the kids should go to bed to how to load the dishwasher. The Akita may be charming when “talking,” but when strangers are around, they tend to be quiet and distant.

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American Akita Highlights 

  • Magnificent Appearance: The American Akita has a strong, regal presence with its large head, small triangular eyes, and assured stance.
  • Normal Obstacle: An American Akita’s scaring estimate and defensive nature serve as an obstacle to any potential mischief-making, indeed in their unimportant presence.
  • Unwavering Devotion: American Akitas are known for their immovable devotion, which empowers them to create near connections with their proprietors and fulfill the part of a caring and committed defender.
  • Courageous Guardian: American Akitas are brave and unafraid of challenges, which makes them dependable protectors. They are born guardians of their families.
  • Both reserved and vocal, American Akitas are known for their expressive grunts, moans, and endearing “talking” tendencies when interacting with their family.
  • Wary of Strangers: Although they are inherently suspicious of strangers, they greet guests in a friendly and guarded manner when their owners are around.
  • Intelligent and Communicative: American Akitas are intelligent and communicative dogs that use mouthing as a communication tool to show off their distinctive manner of expressing love and thoughts.
  • Charming Features: Akita owners frequently find charm in their mouthing behavior, which can be channeled into useful tasks like carrying or retrieving objects.
  • Akitas are characterized by their sober and dignified demeanor, which sets them apart as obedient, knowledgeable, and purpose-driven friends.


The Japanese ancestry and subsequent American development of the Akita breed are closely linked to each other. The breed’s roots can be found within the northern Japanese prefecture of Akita, where it was to begin with known as the Akita Inu. The Akita Inu was regarded for their respectable qualities and was utilized for a combination of errands, such as securing the famous family and chasing gigantic entertainment. As a result of serious endeavors to preserve the purity of the breed within the early 20th century, Japan formally recognized the Akita Inu as a characteristic monument.

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Unfortunately, nourishment deficiencies amid World War II caused the Akita populace to decay, and a few Akitas were crossed with other breeds. The Akita breed was presented to the United States through the return of American servicemen from Japan after the war.


The threatening stature of the American Akita is well-known. When it comes to bear stature, grown-up male American Akitas as a rule degree between 26 and 28 inches (66 and 71 cm), whereas females ordinarily degree somewhat less, between 24 and 26 inches (61 and 66 cm). American Akitas ordinarily weigh between 70 and 100 pounds (32 to 45 kg) for females and between 100 and 130 pounds (45 to 59 kg) for males.


This breed, well-known for its immovable dependability, creates near bonds with family individuals and encapsulates a cherishing and gatekeeper soul. Akitas too have a courageous, confident way that remains faithful within the comfort of trouble. They are recognized for being astute and autonomous decision-makers, showing a certain level of self-determination. Akitas are by and large calm mutts, but they have expressive voices; they can communicate with their family by snorting, groaning, and in some cases indeed “talking.”


The Akita flourishes and is most joyful when they live inside with their family. Although they are not hyper, this breed does require daily exercise. An Akita only needs thirty to an hour a day; their favorite activities are brisk walks, jogging (for adult dogs over two years old), and yard romping. Considering the Akita’s propensity for aggression toward other dogs, going to a dog park is probably not a good idea. This breed is very intelligent, so it is best to follow a varied routine.

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Aim for three to five cups of premium dry food per day. NOTE: Your adult dog’s size, age, build, metabolism, and degree of activity all affect how much they eat. Comparative to individuals, each puppy is special, so their nourishment prerequisites change. A pooch that’s an eager exerciser will clearly require more than a pooch that’s a lounge chair potato.


Following the Second World War, US soldiers brought Japanese Akitas back to the United States, where they became an independent breed. This is how the American Akita came to be. Though it still possesses the hunting instinct of its Japanese ancestors, the American Akita is far larger and stronger than its Japanese relatives.
